Thursday, 11 July 2013

Offender Managers

An individual who is incarcerated in prison is assigned an Offender Manager ("The O.M"). The Offender Manager is the member of staff who works with the offender during the prisoner's sentence. The O.M assesses what the offender's needs are, both whilst he is in custody, but also whilst he is serving the portion of his sentence in the community (on licence).

Usually, the O.M is the offender's home probation officer. This means that the O.M will be based in the prisoner's home residential area. 

Home probation officers have the following responsibilities:

  • To assist in the offender's sentence management;
  • To make arrangements for release;
  • To supervise the offender whilst he is on licence;
  • To consider and act upon victims' concerns;
  • To implement licence conditions;
  • To assist the offender's resettlement.

The  Offender Manager's role in the parole process

The O.M will draft reports which may be used and considered by the Parole Board when considering whether the offender should be released from prison.

Offender Managers and recall

If an individual on licence is suspected to have breached his licence, the O.M may recommend recall to custody.